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大家在看万界深渊行者 你根本不是巫女 我在东京与怪谈起舞 死神之山本和他的冤种手下们 西游:我孙悟空,苟在五指山下! 一不小心成了城管 人在天穹开诊所,有个模拟器 鬼王绝宠:王妃,请入怀 快穿:大佬们总想金屋藏娇但不配 仙缘创世录 
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《Revelation saints slumbered place》

At first I stubbornly thinking

Human beings are born to die or wonder

Buried easily all dream and ideal

Holding high the banners of interests and wealth

What can you get ?

The world is sorrowfully

Like a cradle full of suffering

Even bending down and praying

Spit soul out

Gods won't look at you more

Clockwork orange, they speak

【I never imagined that our society would be flooded with such machinery.】

Swamp men, they cried

【Why so difficult to bee a plete human being?】

Also i pray it?

We always do useless things over and over again

Deceive ourselves with false illusion

Look, the biggest lie

Tomorrow will be better

【Just like hope.】

But we never had future

It's like time is suspended

We can't move in that place

Unable to move forward

Can not go back

Can give me more possibilities?

【I know the results.】

Steam engine never stoped

Maybe we're all cold machines

As a gear for society

the purest doll

“Willing to break free?“

“It's time to exit!“

【praised and clapped !】

Hook mouth corner

Show standard smile

Practive hundreds of move

Organic white skin

Inorganic dark soul

Built for string theocray

You cut manipulative line

Open Pandora's box

Give me strength

teach me hope

Even though I follow the worng path

【I hope some one can said that “It's alright, there's always next time, you did your best.】

【But none.】

I was torn,regrouped

Collision of ideas

I feel like a new person

If god doesn't care

【It doesn't matter】

I bee a human

【Human being stand on the ground.】

How can i learn to love?


【Fall into dusk, create miracle.】

【I am the observer of all story.】









上一章目 录下一页存书签
站内强推四合院的自在日子 诡秘:迷雾城 九叔:糟糕,我变成小僵尸了 网游:论一个合格悍匪的修养 海贼之死神降临 开局签到九阳神体 梦机世界 寒门娇宠:悠闲小农女 从捡到一枚龙蛋开始种田 生计银 开局送老婆,她是宰相千金 血税 开局获得吞噬系统,万族都颤抖了 圣兽奇缘录 四合院:如来神掌,镇压全院! 篝火收容公司 天道亲传重生后,直播见鬼了 每日一次签到机会,赚钱分分钟 穿越女尊,药圣传奇 重生嫡女:九爷,狠会撩! 
经典收藏凤鸣斗罗 转生成为石头的励志人生 木叶之沙盒游戏 我用万花筒沉溺火影世界 轮回眼中的火影 大觉山抗日英雄传 叶罗丽之水默勿忘 我为仙君种情蛊 文豪少女的二次元时代 穆爷的掌心娇是朵黑莲花 一指成仙 超神学院之万界神王 黄帝内经智慧解读 捡到一个凶猛老婆 古代逃生日常 霍格沃茨之血脉巫师 特种兵之王 零基础快速入门的弈修象棋 斗破之从弟子开始 吃货的奋斗史 
最近更新宜修与年世兰双重生结盟复仇 震惊,奸相他是将军的白月光 都重生两次了,谁还当受气包啊? 白玉无睱 在银魂以一人之力挑战整个世界 与时同长【养崽】 星月海岛异界传奇 情歌天王朱砂痣的白月光是他本人 替嫁心迷,总裁夫人先婚后爱 京剧猫之漂流者 四合院之重回开始的时候 宝可梦:直到相遇的那天 双生花的绮炫共生 病弱美人撒娇流泪,老婆心碎碎! 站着 斗罗,做不一样的千仞雪 诡异降临我在副本找哥哥 成语小故事畅想 墨染允心 综影视另类剧情 
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